T. Harv Eker

T. Harv Eker is a motivational speaker, businessman and author of the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind published by HarperCollins.[1]


Eker founded the seminar company, Peak Potentials Training. According to a Peak Potentials press release, the company was acquired by Success Resources, an event production company, in 2011. [2] He is the author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind which appeared on the New York Times bestseller list. He has also written a self-published book titled SpeedWealth. Eker has written, developed and produced several seminars such as The Millionaire Mind Intensive, Life Directions, Wizard Training, Train the Trainer, Ultimate Internet Bootcamp, and the Enlightened Warrior Training.

According to a report in the Vancouver Sun, Eker has been named as a defendant in a "prospective class-action lawsuit" involving the sale of residential properties to two individuals who attended one of his seminars.[3] Another lawsuit claiming Eker used "high-pressure sales tactics" during "Millionaire Mind Intensive" course at the Wall Centre in October 2005. The plaintiffs allege that Eker and his company committed "unconscionable acts" as defined in the Consumer Act.[4][5]


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